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Kallam, William Lee 


Service-Member Serial: 083151

Registered for Draft: 30 JUN 1942, Raleigh (Wake County) North Carolina

Commission Date: 23 MAY 1944

Commission Location: 

Terms of Commission:

Branch of Service: United States Army (Air Corps)

Military Occupation: Pilot 1092

Enlistment Physical Description: 

Prior Occupation: Student

Race/Ethnicity: White

Marital Status: Single

Number of Dependents: None

Height: 5'-11.5''


Weight: 163lbs

Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color: Blonde


Service Remarks: William began a college education as a cadet at the Citadel in Charleston, South Carolina, however he did not finish his time at the Citadel until after the war. In 1943, William attended civilian flight education in Ocala, Florida, Randolph Army Air Field in Texas and Valdosta, Georgia. In 1944, he was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the United States Army Air Corps. He received further flight instruction on the B-24 "Liberator" Heavy Bomber at Maxwell Army Airfield in Alabama and Chatham Army Airfield in Savannah, Georgia. William was assigned as a pilot to the 460th Bomber Group/760th Squadron of the 15th Air Force (U.S. Army Air Corps).


While assigned to the 460th Bomber Group, William participated in the following battles and campaigns:

- Northern Apennines (Italy) 10 SEP 1944- 4 APR 1945

- Po Valley (Italy) 5 APR-8 MAY 1945

- Rhineland (Germany)


On the 14th of March, 1945 during a bombing run on the Nove Zamky Marshalling Yard in Yugoslavia, William and his crew were forced to bail out of their aircraft from effective enemy fire. He survived and received a promotion upon return to the rear. William flew 9 more missions before receiving orders to attend state-side training on the new B-29 "Superfortress" Heavy Bomber. 


Recipient of:

- Air Medal (Officer's Citation)

- European/African/Middle Eastern Campaign (EAME) Medal (with 3 battle stars)

- American Campaign/ Atlantic Theatre of Operations (ATO) Medal

- Victory Medal, World War 2

- Honorable Service Lapel Button


Rank at Separation: First Lieutenant

Separation Date: 7 APR 1946

Separation Location: Separation Center, Fort Bragg, North Carolina, USA

Condition of Separation: Honorable Discharge from Active Service


Birth: 8 MAR 1923, Winston Salem (Forsyth County), North Carolina, USA

Death: 10 NOV 2007, Greenville, South Carolina, USA

Burial: Cremated. Remains kept by Next Of Kin 

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- William Lee Kallam (1923-2007), son of

- Fletcher Lee Kallam (1893-1967), son of

- Quincy Shelton (1866-1964), daughter of

- Elizabeth Joyce (1831-1896), daughter of

- William B. Joyce (1799-1883), son of

- Isaac Joyce (1755-1831), son of

- Thomas Joyce (1722-1780), son of

- Thomas Joass (1685-UNK), son of

- William Joass


Julie Kallam Turner

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