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PVT. Joyce, George

Enlistment Date: 17 JUN 1779

Enlistment Location: County Courthouse, Charlotte County, Virginia

Branch of Service: Virginia and North Carolina Colonial Militias


Service Remarks: George began serving as a Private in a Charlotte County Company of the Virginia Militia under Captain John Harvey after British raids burned warehouses along the Appomattox River. George participated in the retaliatory march to Williamsburg which resulted in a British retreat. In February, 1780, George marched with Captain William Morton's Rifle Company/ Major Stephen Coleman's Battalion from Charlotte County, Virginia to join with General Nathaniel Greene's Army resulting in George's participation at Guilford Courthouse. With the North Carolina Militia, George participated in campaigns against Tories and the Cherokee under Captain William Meredith. In 1781, George joined for a period of 12 months against the Tories with a Light Horse Company under Captain Richard Vernon. He was finally discharged from all services by 1782.


Rank at Separation: Private

Separation Date: 1782

Separation Location: 

Condition of Separation:


Birth: 25 OCT 1759, Charlotte County, British Colonial Virginia

Death: 15 SEP 1835, Bullitt County, Kentucky


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- George Joyce (1759-1835), son of

- Thomas Joyce (1718-1782), son of

- Thomas Joyce (1685-UNK)


Brenda Joyce Jerome and Debbie Rosenbloom

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