The Early Years: The Joyce Brothers and the Reading Houses of Central Virginia
The Early Years: Alexander Joyce (1718-1778) and the Church of England
Allied Families: Thomas Vernon and the Arrival of Alexander and Thomas Joyce
The Early Years: Alexander Joyce (1718-1778) and Louisa County, Virginia (Recently Updated)
Joyces of Virginia: A Narrative on Robert Lee Joyce (1865-1943) and Family
Joyces of the Mid-West: Henderson Joyce (1821-1903)
Joyces of Canada: William Joyce (b. 1814)
Joyce Origins: a Timeline from William Joass to Alexander and Thomas Joyce
Joyces of North Carolina: John "Coon" Joyce
Joyces of the South-West: The Adventures of John Joyce (1775-1865)
Unsolved Mysteries: Who is John Joyce of Louisa County, Virginia?
Joyce Landmark Series: Cub Creek Settlement
The story of the Joyce, Thomas and Alexander Joyce (Personal) Official Tartan
Joyces of North Carolina: Thomas Joyce (1813-1893), (Crowing Tom)